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6 Fun Ways to Make Mother’s Day Special During COVID-19

By May 8, 2021May 27th, 2021Articles
Mother's Day During COVID-19 by Unisource Insurance

As states lift shutdown mandates with mass vaccination underway, Mother’s Day this year will be among the earliest gatherings in the reopening phase. That makes this precious celebration even more special as it represents long-awaited reunions. Here are some fun ideas to consider for Mother’s Day celebrations.

Go Virtual with Friends

Perhaps the most modern type of celebration these days is done with online streaming, as it connects friends and relatives from all over the world. Virtual shows not only helped save the music and entertainment industry during the pandemic, but they also became widely adopted as part of mainstream culture through the Zoom app. This app and other online streaming tools like Skype allow for live video streaming of either public or private events. You can pick your audience, which is appropriate for family viewing.

Prepare Breakfast in Bed

One of the most traditional surprises you can offer mom is breakfast in bed. It’s an upbeat way to start a full day of celebration. Make sure you include her favorite morning delights. Additionally, if she has access to a laptop or desktop in her bedroom, sign up for a virtual cooking or art class to go with it.

Clean the House and Do Other Chores

Another popular tradition on Mother’s Day is to take as much work off mom’s hands as possible so she can just spend the day relaxing. Vacuum, wash the dishes, do the laundry, take out the trash, clean the kitchen and bathrooms. Do all this and more, and she will be very pleased.

Participate in a DIY Project

If you want to get more adventurous, getting family and friends together for a do-it-yourself project is both exciting and interesting. It can be entertaining experimental art or an interesting learning project—either way, creative group activities allow for fun engagement through collaboration.

Have a Scrapbook Party

Put together a scrapbook of memories of the good times with mom over the years. Online graphic design resources such as Adobe, Canva, and Picmonkey allow you to create eye-catching photo presentations. Prepare for Mother’s Day by gathering several relevant photos and using a design platform to create a surprising montage. Then print out pages for a physical scrapbook or just show her and guests your visual presentation online.

Put Together a Jigsaw Puzzle

Even in the internet age people of all ages still enjoy jigsaw puzzles and board games. A puzzle is like a pizza in the sense it can be shared with a group. Sometimes it’s fun to treat a puzzle like a competition as each player gets turns to put puzzle pieces into the mix. The person who inserts the last puzzle piece is the winner. But puzzles can be just as fun without turning them into contests.

The best way to ensure safety at post-shutdown events is to keep gatherings limited, which makes them more intimate and special. It’s also wise to make sure you have proper insurance coverage so that your guests are better protected on your property. For further information, contact the agents at Unisource Insurance Associates today. We’ll help you secure the most appropriate coverage for your homeowner or commercial business needs.