Password Safety
Chances are, you have a few passwords that you can never remember. From your personal bank account to your work email, it can be hard to remember and create all the passwords that you are asked for each month. However, creating strong passwords for all of your accounts can help to keep all of your personal information safe and secure.
When creating a password, try to use at least eight characters, including capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Simple swaps, such as replacing an “a” with “@” or using a “5” for an “s” can help to make your password much more secure, which will make it harder for someone to hack into your account.
You should also try to create a passphrase, or multiple words combined into a single word, when deciding on a password, such as “Bills45thBirthd@y!” The longer and stranger the combination of words, the better, just make sure that you do not create a password that exceeds the limits of characters that can be used. If you are going to use a name, just make sure that you do not use any names of your immediate family or pets, since they can be easily figured out.
When creating a new password, you should write it down and keep it in a safe place so that you do not have to keep redoing your password each time you try to login. Never keep your passwords somewhere that they can be seen by others, especially in your wallet or your phone.
Make sure to avoid these top 10 most common passwords when creating a new password for your next account.
- Password
- 123456
- 12345678
- Qwerty
- Abc123
- Monkey
- 1234567
- Letmein
- Trustno1
- Dragon
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