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The Significance of Independence Day and the Importance of the U.S. Constitution

By July 1, 2021Articles

The 4th of July is one of the most significant holidays in the history of the United States. Independence Day acknowledges the birth of the country. Here is a look at the history of Independence Day and the importance of the U.S. Constitution.
Independence Day takes place on July 4th. For over 60 years, the 4th of July has been a national holiday. The origins of Independence Day can be traced back to the 18th century and the emergence of the American Revolution. In 1776, the Continental Congress voted for independence. On July 4th, 1776, 13 colonies came together to adopt the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson helped draft the birth of American independence. Today, many people celebrate Independence Day by engaging in fireworks, concerts, and parades. It is generally a time for families to come together and relax.

The History of Independence Day

The Revolutionary War occurred in 1775. During the battles, some colonists thought about declaring independence from Great Britain. By 1776, most colonists were in favor of making the move. There was tension due to the radical ideas expressed by writers during this time. At a Continental Congress meeting, Virginia’s Richard Henry Lee called for legislation acknowledging the colonies’ independence. Congress assigned a special committee to draft formal legislation explaining why the break from Great Britain was necessary.

A month later, the independence legislation was passed unanimously. To celebrate, some colonists said goodbye to King George III to symbolize the end of Britain’s influence on America and the future of liberty. Official festivities celebrating the 4th of July included concerts, bonfires, parades, and cannons. The festivities took place in Philadelphia. Today, common symbols of Independence Day are the American flag and the Star-Spangled Banner, which serves as the United States National Anthem.

U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution outlines America’s system of government. It explains how the government is designed to act in the best interest of the people. The government is divided into the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. There is a system of checks and balances to ensure that each branch has the same amount of power. Power is equal between the state and federal governments. The Constitution also outlines the duties of the government and the scope of its power. U.S. citizens can find out how representatives are elected by reviewing the guidelines outlined in the Constitution. The Constitution was written during the Philadelphia Convention in 1787 and was signed in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.

The U.S. Constitution differs from the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was based on a list of issues the colonies had against the King of England and explained why separation from British rule was necessary. The Constitution serves as a charter of government that was ratified by the states. Although both documents help promote domestic ideals, the Constitution is considered the supreme document. It was written by James Madison and other delegates. It went into effect in 1787.

The Importance of the Constitution

The Constitution established the rules for Americans to live by. It was created to meet the needs of a growing nation as it looked towards the future. The United States recognized its domestic responsibilities. Congress believed that the Articles of Confederation had created a flawed government. The process of raising taxes or sending soldiers emergency aid had become too complicated. The delegates wanted to create something new.

The Constitution was designed to promote liberty and tranquility. Without the Constitution, the United States would not be the common symbol of freedom. The U.S. Constitution is also known for being short compared to other documents such as the Constitution of the European Union. In 2004, Constitution Day became a legal holiday. Constitution Day requires that all educational institutions that receive government funds explain to their students the significance of the Constitution.

The history of U.S Independence and the significance of the Constitution are truly remarkable. So, how are you celebrating independence day this year? Our team at Unisource Insurance wishes you a safe and happy 4th of July!