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Top Heart-Friendly Tips for National Heart Month

By February 7, 2019April 20th, 2023Personal Insurance
Top Heart-Friendly Tips for National Heart Month

Every day tips for a healthy heart.

Show your heart some love this Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month! Although heart disease continues to be a top killer of men and women across the States, there are steps you can take to improve your heart condition and deter medical issues. It’s important to remember that the choices you make in your everyday life have direct ramifications on your health, especially your heart. Because your heart is so essential to overall health, taking care of it becomes all the more important. This month, celebrate Valentine’s Day and your heart by trying out these everyday heart-healthy tips.

  • Get active each week

A healthy heart is one that gets exercised. Physical activity is essential to heart health. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week for good heart health. Whether you like to walk, run, hit the gym, take a yoga class, or learn a new physical activity, make sure you include exercise in your weekly routine.

  • Snap out of a sedentary lifestyle

Even if you exercise, long periods of sedentary time can hurt your heart health. If you spend all day sitting at a desk and weekends watching TV or reading, you could be doing damage to your heart. Avoid doing these activities for long bouts of time, breaking it up with a brisk walk or stretching.

  • Avoid cholesterol-laded foods

High levels of bad cholesterol threat the health of your heart. Too much cholesterol in the body and your arteries can get blocked, leading to high cardiovascular disease risks. Cholesterol is only found in animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Reduce your intake of these products, switching them out for soluble fiber foods such as beans, sweet potatoes, berries, broccoli, and carrots. Ideally, consume whole, unrefined plant foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

  • Manage stress

Research continues to show us that the effects of stress can manifest throughout the body, affecting blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It can also encourage unhealthy coping habits such as smoking, drinking, and eating unhealthy foods. Managing stress is a healthy way to help protect your heart. You can try aromatherapy, meditation, yoga, and mindfulness to ease the effects of stress.

Take these healthy heart tips to heart to keep your ticker running smoothly for the long haul. Let us know how you’re getting involved for National Heart Month! For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact the agents at Unisource Insurance Associates.